Motor Repair

Whelco Industrial, ACT’s sister company, has decades of experience as a full-service industrial motor repair center. We pride ourselves on sharing ONE roof and having full capabilities for electronics and motors consolidated to one location!

In 2002, Whelco’s present management purchased the assets of Whitney Electric to form the current entity whose goal is to form long-term partnerships to meet the motor and mechanical repair needs of all its customers.

When your motor or equipment is down and you are incurring expensive downtime having an experienced and quick responding partner in your corner makes all the difference. The average Whelco employee has been with us 11 years, but typically has years and even decades of experience before they join our team. The benefit to you is a fast, reliable and experienced team of professionals solving your problem now.

We like to think of ourselves as being in partnership with our customers. Our trusted partnership provides customers asset and motor management programs. This program offers you predictive, preventative and corrective maintenance solutions to help our clients minimize their problems and machine downtime. Our program helps you stay ahead of problems and keep from losing money when a machine goes down.

  • Comprehensive Rewind and Recondition Services for Rotating Equipment
  • Rewind with Class H Insulation
  • Rewind with Inverter Duty Wire
  • Complete Testing-Documentation-Reporting
  • Core Loss Testing
  • Dynamic Balancing
  • Slotted T Base
  • Large Capacity Dip Tank
  • Temperature Controlled Burnout Process
  • Quality Control Process
  • Authorized Warranty Repair for Major Brands
  • 1st and 2nd Shift Straight Time
  • Pick-up and Delivery of Serviced Parts (Call for Details on Area Covered)
ACT provides Motor Repair for all your motor needs.